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Deep Reinforcement Learning 2.0 + AI & ChatGPT Bonus

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Welcome to Deep Reinforcement Learning 2.0!

In this course, we will learn and implement a new incredibly smart AI model, called the Twin-Delayed DDPG, which combines state of the art techniques in Artificial Intelligence including continuous Double Deep Q-Learning, Policy Gradient, and Actor Critic. The model is so strong that for the first time in our courses, we are able to solve the most challenging virtual AI applications (training an ant/spider and a half humanoid to walk and run across a field).



Careers Related to Deep Reinforcement Learning 2.0 + AI & ChatGPT Bonus


Certifications related to Deep Learning or Reinforcement Learning

Learn cutting-edge deep reinforcement learning algorithms—from Deep Q-Networks (DQN) to Deep Deterministic Policy Gradients (DDPG). Apply these concepts to train agents to walk, drive, or perform other complex tasks, and build a robust portfolio of deep reinforcement learning projects.

4 months
10-15 hours

Courses related to Deep Learning or Reinforcement Learning


Welcome to Deep Reinforcement Learning 2.0!

In this course, we will learn and implement a new incredibly smart AI model, called the Twin-Delayed DDPG, which combines state of the art techniques in Artificial Intelligence including…


This course is all about the application of deep learning and neural networks to reinforcement learning.

If you’ve taken my first reinforcement learning class, then you know that…


Welcome to Cutting-Edge AI!


This is technically Deep Learning in Python part 11 of my deep learning series, and my 3rd reinforcement learning course.

Deep Reinforcement Learning is actually the…


New! Updated with extra content and activities on generative AI, transformers, GPT, ChatGPT, the OpenAI API, and self attention based neural networks!

Machine Learning and artificial…