Artem Oppermann
Research Engineer at BTC Embedded Systems
Expertise: Artificial intelligence, machine learning and physics
Education: Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg

Artem Oppermann is a research engineer at BTC Embedded Systems with a focus on artificial intelligence and machine learning. He began his career during university as a freelance machine learning developer and consultant in 2016. In 2020, Oppermann earned his master’s degree in physics and began working in the autonomous driving industry. For years, Artem has been sharing his expertise in AI with the public by writing technical, detailed articles on the subject.

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28 Articles
deep q learning robot holding video game controller
In part two of this series on self-learning AI, I’ll show you how AI agents learn to behave in environments with discrete action spaces.
deep reinforcement learning
In this four-part series, I’ll show you how the Markov decision process works and the mathematical theory you need to know to understand deep reinforcement learning.
loss function neural network
Loss functions in deep learning are used to measure how well a neural network model performs. Learn how to use the right loss function for your project.
three heads with explanations of different between AI, machine learning and deep learning
Though used interchangeably, here's the real difference between artificial intelligence vs. machine learning vs. deep learning.