Middle management facing a pink slip from blockchain

The distributed ledger technology could have ramifications on job security for those who work in middle management.

Written by Folake Dosu
Published on Nov. 21, 2018
Middle management facing a pink slip from blockchain


Middle managers, be on watch as blockchain gains momentum, Observer says. The outlet reports how the distributed ledger technology could have ramifications on job security for those who work in middle management.

“For decades, middle managers have been key to the operational flow of many American corporations,” Observer explains. “They take the strategic vision of senior management and ensure it’s executed at the functional, day-to-day level.”

Smart contracts, Observer posits, might soon make middle managers a less indispensable presence on teams by keeping track of key performance indicators (KPIs) at a fraction of the cost.

Smart contracts, Observer posits, might soon make middle managers a less indispensable presence on teams by keeping track of key performance indicators (KPIs) at a fraction of the cost.

“A smart contract is code designed to facilitate, verify or enforce performance of set terms. This code simply plays the role of trusted facilitator between two parties and, deployed with blockchain technology, it is an infallible enforcer of the set terms 24/7, 365 day a year,” Observer states.

HUMAN Protocol is one company that Observer notes is making smart contract-verified work a thing of the present. The company is launching a dashboard that can keep tabs on worker productivity, streamline peer quality control and release compensation.

According to Observer, hCaptcha will be HUMAN Protocol’s first public effort which, similar to reCAPTCHA, will ask image labeling questions and compensate workers once image is found to be correctly labeled.

Deloitte also forecasts blockchain having a major impact on human resources, listing potential applications in payroll, certification verification and digital process management in a recent blog post, Observer says.

In other words, the outlet concludes that while robots get all the notoriety as job destroyers for blue collar work, blockchain might get the last laugh when it comes to white collar jobs.

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