24 Best Sales Podcasts for Leveling Up Your Skills

Learn new strategies from the best reps out there.

Written by Brian Nordli
24 Best Sales Podcasts for Leveling Up Your Skills
Image: Shutterstock
Jessica Powers | Mar 06, 2023

The podcast boom has been good to sales reps. Not only is the medium great for digesting sales tips, but it also brings some of the best sales reps in the field to your earbuds.

To help you get started in navigating the landscape, we’ve highlighted some of the top sales podcasts around. Whether you’re a sales manager, an entry-level sales development rep looking for new ways to spice up your cold emails or a veteran account executive trying to improve your relationships with buyers, this list should have something for you.

Top Sales Podcasts

  • The Advanced Selling Podcast
  • The Art of Charm
  • Outbound Squad
  • Conversation With Women in Sales
  • Make It Happen Mondays
  • The Mindset Mentor
  • The Modern Selling Podcast
  • The Official SaaStr Podcast
  • The Other Side of Sales
  • Sales Gravy

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Podcasts for Sales Strategy and Tips

The Advanced Selling Podcast

Host: Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale

Where to Listen: Apple | Spotify

Looking for bite-size sales insights and a wealth of episodes to choose from? This is the show for you. The Advanced Selling Podcast claims to be the longest-running sales podcast around, clocking in at over 15  years (and counting) and more than 850 episodes. In each episode, hosts Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale draw on their wealth of experience as sales trainers to dig into topics like buyer resistance, sales forecasting and managing sales teams. Episodes average around 20 minutes in length, so it’s easy to squeeze one in during lunch or while taking a walk.


Sales Pipeline Radio

Host: Matt Heinz

Where to Listen: Apple | Spotify

On Sales Pipeline Radio, host Matt Heinz interviews experts, entrepreneurs and professionals working in B2B sales and marketing. The show’s topics range from how to incorporate empathy in your selling strategy to how to use AI to find prospects to how to use your sales data. 


Outbound Squad

Host: Jason Bay

Where to Listen: Apple | Stitcher

Cold calls, outreach sequencing and discovery calls are just a few of the topics covered in Outbound Squad. Hosted by sales coach and trainer Jason Bay, this show digs into the weeds of prospecting strategy to help reps think beyond the script and land more meetings. Each episode features an interview with a noted sales expert or a high-performing rep and ends with an actionable tip, making it a practical resource for anyone in sales.


Conversations With Women in Sales

Host: Lori Richardson

Where to Listen: Apple | Spotify

Created to be a resource for women sales professionals first and foremost, Conversations with Women in Sales puts women sales leaders front and center to talk about their careers and offer practical sales tips. The show was launched in 2018 as a direct response to the lack of women in sales roles and on panels. Episodes touch on topics like how to avoid imposter syndrome, ways to build a sales funnel and how to advance and succeed in tech sales.

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Make It Happen Mondays

Host: John Barrows

Where to Listen: Apple | Spotify 

John Barrows has made a name for himself as a leading B2B sales trainer through his company JBarrows Sales Training. It was only a matter of time before he brought his sales insights to the podcast realm. Make It Happen Mondays features weekly conversations with Barrows and another sales expert. With episodes on personalizing your prospecting at scale, transitioning into an AE role and using humor in sales, the show is perfect for any entry-level sales rep looking to get an edge on the sales floor.


The Modern Selling Podcast

Host: Mario Martinez Jr.

Where to Listen: Apple | Spotify

Sales strategy has come a long way from the days of Glengarry Glen Ross, where smooth-talking reps focused only on pitching their products and pressuring people to buy. Today, it’s all about connecting with the buyer and helping them solve a problem. In The Modern Selling Podcast, host Mario Martinez Jr. brings on sales leaders and reps to discuss techniques to help salespeople better connect with their buyers. The episodes delve into topics like getting unreceptive buyers to say yes, how to have human-centered conversations and the emotional dynamics of selling.


The Other Side of Sales

Host: Ashleigh Early and Sue Singh

Where to Listen: Apple | Spotify | Stitcher

While tech sales has made some strides in diversity and inclusion, it still remains predominantly white and male. The Other Side of Sales is a podcast focused on highlighting the experiences of sales reps from underrepresented groups and building a more supportive sales culture. Ashleigh Early and Sue Singh host the show, which includes a mix of interviews, panels and discussions drawing on their own expertise in sales. Episodes sit at the intersection of sales culture and practical tips, touching on topics like selling while Black, disclosing mental-health struggles and how to call someone out for unacceptable behavior.


Sales Babble

Host: Pat Helmers

Where to Listen: Apple | Spotify | Stitcher 

If you’re trying to learn sales strategy but terms like “BANT,” “ICP” and “MQL” sound like foreign concepts, then Sales Babble is the podcast for you. (Those stand for “budget, acquisition, need and timeline,” “ideal customer profile” and “marketing qualified leads,” respectively). Host Pat Helmers seeks to cut through the technical jargon to provide sales training and advice for entrepreneurs and any small business leaders trying to figure out the profession. Episodes air weekly and often include interviews with sales leaders from across the tech landscape on topics like filling pipeline, the basics of cold calling and how to engage decision-makers to close deals.


Sales Enablement With Andy Paul

Host: Andy Paul 

Where to Listen: Apple | Spotify 

If you’re a rep looking for meaty discussions on sales strategy, this is a show for you. Sales Enablement With Andy Paul includes interviews with some of the leading minds in tech sales on topics like solution selling, aligning buyer expectations and building a high-velocity inside sales team. Clocking in at about 50 minutes in length, each episode takes the time to delve into the nitty-gritty of sales strategy and even touches on relevant culture issues. That makes it a useful resource for reps just starting out and those leading teams.

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The Sales Evangelist

Host: Donald Kelly 

Where to Listen: Apple | Spotify

The Sales Evangelist features sales strategy insights from sales leaders and entrepreneurs to help reps become top performers. Sales trainer Donald Kelly started the podcast after founding his training firm by the same name. The episodes are about 30 minutes and include useful tips for anyone starting a sales career. Topics include how to convert prospects with text messages, and strategies for maintaining sales productivity.


Sales Influence — Why People Buy!

Host: Victor Antonio

Where to Listen: Apple | Spotify | Stitcher 

Sales is often said to be a numbers game — make enough calls, send enough emails and you’ll hit your quota — but there’s also an element of psychology. You have to earn the buyer’s trust and understand what’s motivating them to get them to make a purchase. In Sales Influence — Why People Buy!, host Victor Antonio delves into the minds of skeptical buyers and explores why they buy. Episodes tackle subjects like addressing the buyer’s resistance to change, establishing trust in your sales process through caring for the prospect and buyer decision fatigue. With hundreds of episodes, there’s plenty of content to dig into.


Sales Success Stories

Host: Scott Ingram

Where to Listen: Apple | Spotify

One of the best strategies for succeeding in sales is to learn from the top performers on your team and do what they do. Hosted by Scott Ingram, Sales Success Stories seeks to replicate that experience. The show brings on top individual performers in the sales profession and has them deconstruct the habits, books and tips that helped them to achieve success. Designed with the individual contributor in mind, there are takeaways from people across the selling spectrum — including SDRs, AEs, account managers and more.


Sell or Die

Host: Jeffrey Gitomer and Jennifer Gitomer

Where to Listen: Apple | Spotify

It’s often said that sales is an art and a science. Sell or Die encapsulates that maxim, providing insights on both the hard and soft skills necessary to succeed in sales. Hosted by Jeffrey Gitomer, who’s the author of many best-selling sales books, and sales expert Jennifer Gitomer, each episode tackles either a hard skill or a soft skill. Topics include building a 90-day sales plan, the element of fear in sales outcomes and active listening tips.


Will Barron discusses sales fundamentals with author Jeff Bajorek in an episode of The Salesman. | Video: Selling Made Simple

Selling Made Simple

Host: Will Baron

Where to Listen: Apple | Spotify

Situated at the cross-section of psychology and sales, Selling Made Simple digs into the role emotions, body language and motivation play in a sale. Host Will Baron draws on insights from experts both in sales and outside of it to provide actionable tips for reps. In one episode, he features a forensics expert who shares how disciplined listening and forensics investigation strategies can be applied to sales. Other interviewees include sales leaders, psychologists, motivational speakers and body language experts.


Podcasts for Sales Leaders

Sales Gravy

Host: Jeb Blount 

Where to Listen: Stitcher | Apple | Spotify

Jeb Blount is a best-selling author and speaker specializing in sales acceleration as well as the host of Sales Gravy. These podcast episodes range from under 10 minutes to an hour, giving listeners options when it comes to how much time they want to commit. Topics covered on the show include how to navigate price increases with customers, sales management techniques, why emotional intelligence is crucial for sales leaders and how to create an accountability culture.


The Pavilion Podcast

Host: Brandon Barton

Where to Listen: Apple | Spotify 

Pavilion is an expansive sales networking group for nearly 5,000 revenue executives and emerging revenue leaders. While professional development is often directed toward employees earlier in their careers, the networking group aims to be a resource for revenue leaders to keep growing. The Pavilion Podcast is an extension of that mission. In each episode, a revenue leader offers career tips and advice on how to tackle some of the most pertinent challenges facing companies today. Topics include earning a promotion, making the leap as a solo entrepreneur, the creator economy and more.


Reveal: The Revenue Intelligence Podcast by Gong

Host: Corrina Owens and Danny Wasserman

Where to Listen: Apple | Spotify

Thanks to the rise of sales technology, sales leaders now have more data than ever before about their customers. Making sense of that information and putting it to work in a sales strategy, however, can still be tricky. Enter Reveal, the revenue intelligence platform Gong’s podcast. The show covers the myriad ways that data can be used to power sales teams. Each episode features an interview with a sales leader sharing their experience applying revenue intelligence to their sales strategy and ends with an actionable takeaway.


Sales Game Changers

Host: Fred Diamond

Where to Listen: Apple | Spotify

Taking the next step in your career, whether it’s into a leadership role or up the leadership ladder, can be challenging. Sales Game Changers brings on B2B revenue leaders from major companies like AT&T and Cisco and has them share tips on what they did to succeed in sales and advance their careers. Topics include improving sales tactics like discovery and social selling, as well as leadership coaching and how to land your next promotion.


The Sales Hacker Podcast

Host: Sam Jacobs

Where to Listen: Apple | Spotify

Since Sales Hacker launched as a blog and community website in 2014, it has been a go-to resource for sales reps looking for the latest insights and trends in the industry. The Sales Hacker Podcast is a natural extension of the brand, offering a wide array of tips and insights for reps at all experience levels. Pavilion Founder Sam Jacobs hosts the show, which features interviews with B2B sales leaders on topics like lead generation, enablement tips and tech.


Value Builders

Host: Dave Duke

Where to Listen: Apple | Spotify

Value Builders launched in 2020 to provide insights for RevOps leaders. Each episode features an interview with a chief revenue officer, a chief operating officer or a chief customer officer, and touches on different parts of the customer journey. Topics include how to create a customer-centric culture, coaching team members and customers, and building authentic relationships.

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Podcasts for Motivation and General Interest

B2B Growth 

Host: James Carbary, Benji Block and Dan Sanchez 

Where to Listen: Apple | Spotify

Although B2B Growth is not strictly about sales, reps and managers working in B2B may benefit from the show’s broader angle. The show covers topics like how to create successful marketing campaigns, what role AI plays in B2B and how to build a media brand. With episodes coming out at least once a week, listeners have many opportunities to learn. 


The Art of Charm

Host: AJ Harbinger and Johnny Dzubak

Where to Listen: Apple | Spotify

The Art of Charm is a motivational podcast that delves into human behavior to help listeners bring out the best in themselves. Hosts AJ Harbinger and Johnny Dzubak are most known for their bootcamp of the same name that helps people master the art of conversation and build better relationships. In the podcast, they interview psychologists, company executives and authors about human behavior and the habits that can bring out the best in a person. While it’s not a sales podcast per se, there’s plenty of motivational material for any sales rep looking to grow in their career.


The Mindset Mentor

Host: Rob Dial 

Where to Listen: Apple | Spotify

In a profession that involves constant rejection, staying positive isn’t always easy. But it is necessary to bounce back and keep making phone calls to hit your quota. Whether you’re struggling through a rough patch or in need of some extra motivation, The Mindset Mentor has you covered. In the show, host Rob Dial provides listeners with advice on what they can do to stay motivated and achieve success. Episodes cover topics like how to deal with uncertainty, saving a bad day and how to rewire negative thoughts.


The Official SaaStr Podcast

Host: Changes every week. 

Where to Listen: Apple | Spotify

Interested in keeping up with the latest in tech or growing a sales team? The Official SaaStr Podcast has you covered. The podcast draws on insights from investors and revenue leaders to provide tips on scaling businesses, growing revenue and managing a successful team.

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